The Larix laricina or the tamarak tree has shallow roots that grow almost perpendicular to the tree trunk. Therefore, they make tremendously strong knees. Knees are the right-angle root of the Eastern larch, or tamarack tree--also known as a hackmatack. Which are one of only three deciduous trees that lose their needles. The tamarack is a bog tree, fast-growing with shallow roots, which became prized because of its strength and durability to create braces in wooden shipbuilding. The tree often grows in peat moss and when it does, the roots do not freeze. It also is decay resistant, which is a big plus on ships.

Often, each mast has 4 lodging knees to help hold the shape against the stress of the movement of the vessel and the mast. In addition to the lodging knees the space where the mast fits also has several hanging knees.
The knees are seasoned from one month to four years depending on the thickness of the wood.
Until recently, Maine had one of the few “knee farmers” in the country. Newman Gee of
Historically, the tamarak not only provided knees from the roots but young stems were used for dog sled runners, boat ribs and fishtraps. Even the fine roots were used to sew birch bark and the wood was used for arrow shafts. The bark was used for medicine and the soft needles were used to stuff pillows and mattresses. These people really knew how to live “green”.
Hackmatack knees are still harvested in Nova Scotia, Canada by Westergard Boatyard www.westergardboatyard.ca.
Hackmatack knees are mentioned in Annie Proulx's new book, Barkskins. I found your post while I was trying to find out what they were. Thank you!
I landed at this sight for the same reason as Benny and am glad hackmatack knees are still around and being used for the same purpose. Cheers Cass
Just a slight correction: they are not deciduous, rather, they are conifers.
They are conifers, but they lose their needles.
I also found your site because of Barkskins, Annie Proulx's latest book. It's a great read. I have been inspired to look up a lot of things she refers to relating to lumbering, Canadian and American Indians on the east coast etc. Great history.
Tamarack (larix laricina) is deciduous conifers , Larch is another .
Here are some others ;
Larix (larches; 13 species)
Larix decidua (European Larch)
Larix sibirica (Siberian Larch)
Larix gmelinii (Dauhurian Larch)
Larix kaempferi (Japanese Larch)
Larix principis-rupprechtii (Prince Rupprecht's Larch)
Larix himalaica (Langtang Larch)
Larix griffithii (Himalayan Larch)
Larix kongboensis (Kongbo Larch)
Larix potaninii (Potanin's Larch)
Larix mastersiana (Masters' Larch)
Larix lyallii (Subalpine Larch)
Larix occidentalis (Western Larch)
Larix laricina (Tamarack Larch)
Pseudolarix amabilis (Golden Larch)
Taxodium (baldcypresses; 2 species deciduous, a third evergreen)
Taxodium distichum (Bald Cypress)
Taxodium ascendens (Pond Cypress)
Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood)
Glyptostrobus pensilis (Chinese Swamp Sypress)
Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo; not really a conifer)
Hi, Found your site today while looking for details on ship knees. Just found out from my cousin, Abe that our grandfather, Gordon A. Lewis of Calais, Maine used to be a "knee hunter' too back around 1918. He was a finish carpenter & liked to find his own trees to get the knees. Then he would install them in the ship in a boatyard in Whitneyville, near Eastport, Maine. One of the ships he worked on was the Lucy Evelyn, a four masted Schooner.
Really appreciated the explanation of knees. Also, I'm going to check out that book the others mentioned.
Mary Lewis
Therefore they are deciduous conifers...
Ivan, consultant forester
Thank you! Looked this up in wrestling with Whitman's "Song of the Broad Axe"-- section 9--"The live-oak kelsons, the pine planks, the spars, the hackmatack-roots for knees,"
They were also used in building construction. I am presently helping to restore an old mill, and the oldest part is full of hanging knees which provide bracing from beams to posts.
I looked it up because it was mentioned in Simeon Perkins diary in 1790 in Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Men were looking for knees to cut for a ship being built.
I am also reading Barkskins and ended up on here! Fascinating history, and unfortunately the destruction of virgin forests goes on into the 21st century.
Same reason also reading Barkskins great book. Referring to Google for more info, acquiring more knowledge as I read. Elisabeth
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