The old saying of "a picture is worth a thousand words" can be multiplied when there is a video available. You may not have the chance to come to the
Boothbay Harbor Shipyard in person, so we will save you gas and give you a personal tour before you ask us to build you a new ship/yacht/boat or bring yours here for a re-fit.
Our shipyard has been building ships since
With over twenty experienced and dedicated shipwrights, two large shipsaws, one with state-of-the-art

temperature and humidity control, two marine railways (a 700-ton and a 150-ton) and well-equipped wood and metal shops,
Boothbay Harbor Shipyard has the ideal setup for new building, restoration and repair. Our versatile crew has a depth of experience that ranges from building large sawn-frame working craft to restoring varnished mahogany yachts. Our services include all aspects of traditional wood construction and repair, welding, machine work, engine and mechanical work, painting, varnishing and storage. We also, work on metal framed boats and ships.
Check the VIDEO below for your personal tour.